Dear Clients, Friends, and Valued Partners,
While 2020 was a year that tested one’s resolve, 2021 was a year that tested one’s patience. We had high hopes going into the year that we could be rid of Covid-19, return to some sense of normalcy, be together again with friends and family, and heal physically and mentally from illness caused by the pandemic and stress and pain from divisive global issues. I hope for all of you that, with patience, you did find some relief this past year.
While we are not past the pandemic, and “normal” has taken on a new definition for many, 2021 was rewarding in various ways for our clients, employees, and our business. After a wild ride for the stock market in 2020, hopes were for stability and moderately positive outcomes for 2021. Those modest expectations were outdone, to say the least. With record market high after record market high, the US stock market ended the year with a greater than 25% return! Our clients fared well and were once again rewarded for their patience with market volatility and trust in a disciplined and long-term focused approach to investing.
As a business, we exhibited patience with our new way of working. Remote work gradually became a hybrid of remote and in-office experiences, and we are truly better for that outcome. We have leveraged technology to be more efficient, effective, and accessible to our clients and each other. Many clients have embraced virtual meetings as a preference for more convenient check-ins, while others appreciate the ability to interact face to face once again. We believe that both ways of interacting with clients provide value and allow us to customize and enhance our client experience with current and future clients.
In the face of a tight labor market, we remained patient with our hiring practices of finding talented, dedicated individuals that fit into a culture that values expertise, continued growth, and, most of all, exceptional client service. Our people are our greatest asset as a service business, and we work diligently to make sure that we have the best team in place to meet our clients’ needs and exceed their expectations. We were quite proud of our growth in 2020, which included hiring five new team members, primarily via virtual interviews or the occasional masked interactions. That was outdone in 2021 as we added six more incredible people to the team!
Our growth in team members has been necessitated by continued growth in the number of clients we serve. We have been fortunate to take on a record number of new clients the last two years, and in many instances, we have you, our clients, friends, and valued partners, to thank! We are extremely grateful for the trust you put in us to serve your needs and for the trust that we will do the same for colleagues, friends, and loved ones that you introduce to us.
In addition to continued support and recommendations from our clients, we are again honored to be recognized both locally and nationally for our work and the wonderful work environment that our employees maintain. We were recognized by the Cincinnati Business Courier as a Best Places to Work finalist for the fourth time in 2021. We also had the honor of being included in several rankings by organizations within the financial services industry. Each has its own criteria and requirements, which can be seen by clicking on the following links: Advisory HQ’s List of 12 Best Financial Advisors in Cincinnati, FA Magazine’s Annual ranking of RIAs where Foster & Motley was included in the top 240, and the CNBC FA 100 which ranked Foster & Motley in the top 100 financial advisory firms in the nation. We are proud to be the only Cincinnati-based firm on the CNBC FA 100 list in 2021 and to be included for the third year in a row.
With 2021 in the books, we embark upon the new year with hope and optimism that our resolve and patience in the face of trying times and uncertainty will continue to be rewarded. 2022 will be a special year for Foster & Motley as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. We are incredibly proud of this milestone and what has come of the vision that Dave Foster and Mark Motley had in starting this company. They would be the first to attribute our longevity, growth, and success to our clients and valued partners. We continue to be grateful for the opportunity to serve you. Best wishes for a successful 2022 to you all!

Zach Horn
Managing Partner/President